What You Need To Consider With Offshore Servers

by | Apr 16, 2018 | Web Promotion


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There are many different reasons that a business may choose to use a server located out of the country in which their business is based. Many companies do this to have the server located within the network where their target audience or their customer base is located.

Why Go Offshore?

For example, a company operating out of the United States but selling mostly to Europe may choose to have a server located in Germany or the Netherlands to help speed and performance of the website for the end user. Some companies may choose to use offshore servers if they are headquartered in a country with a poor infrastructure for internet services. In this case, they take advantage of a better infrastructure and service to provide a more efficient and positive experience for their customers.

In rare cases, people may attempt to use offshore servers to circumvent laws within their country with regards to content, copyright or other similar issues. In some cases, online casinos and other types of websites may find it important to be located offshore based on restrictions in their own country to stay within the law.

Look for An Acceptable Usage Policy

The top companies offering offshore servers do so for the benefit of their customers to be able to take advantage of the location of the servers. They do have a written Acceptable Usage Policy on using their servers and hosting service that clearly outlines what customers cannot do with the service. This is similar to a code of conduct to provide protection to the web hosting service as well as the other customers and users of the service.

Maintenance and Equipment

Just as with hosting services in your area, it is important to verify the maintenance and management of the physical servers, the server facility, and the systems. Top companies take care to constantly monitor and maintain their servers, eliminating downtime, boosting uptime and completing equipment replacement and system upgrades in a timely manner.

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